Dezastru amplu. Un ciclon a omorât peste 1.000 de oameni în Africa. Imagini impresionante cu ravagiile

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Mozambique Copes With Aftermath Of Cyclone Idai
BEIRA, MOZAMBIQUE - MARCH 22: People walk is the standing water in a street on March 22, 2019 in downtown Beira, Mozambique. Thousands of people are still stranded after after Cyclone Idai hit the country last week. (Photo by Andrew Renneisen/Getty Images)

Sute de mii de persoane au încă nevoie de asistenţă umanitară după ce ciclonul Idai a lovit statele africane Mozambic, Zimbabwe şi Malawi în luna martie, notează Reuters.

MAGARO, MOZAMBIQUE - MARCH 26: Local men gather where a body was found in a tree along the Lucite River on March 26, 2019, in Magaro, Mozambique. Cyclone Idai caused the river to overflow flooding nearby villages. At least 156 bodies have been found in the surrounding area, with witnesses recounting seeing bodies of humans and animals flowing down the river. (Photo by Andrew Renneisen/Getty Images)
MAGARO, MOZAMBIQUE - MARCH 26: Local men gather where a body was found in a tree along the Lucite River on March 26, 2019, in Magaro, Mozambique. Cyclone Idai caused the river to overflow flooding nearby villages. At least 156 bodies have been found in the surrounding area, with witnesses recounting seeing bodies of humans and animals flowing down the river. (Photo by Andrew Renneisen/Getty Images)

MAGARO, MOZAMBIQUE - MARCH 26: Local men gather where a body was found in a tree along the Lucite River on March 26, 2019, in Magaro, Mozambique. Cyclone Idai caused the river to overflow flooding nearby villages. At least 156 bodies have been found in the surrounding area, with witnesses recounting seeing bodies of humans and animals flowing down the river. (Photo by Andrew Renneisen/Getty Images) | Poza 1 din 7
MAGARO, MOZAMBIQUE - MARCH 26: Local men gather where a body was found in a tree along the Lucite River on March 26, 2019, in Magaro, Mozambique. Cyclone Idai caused the river to overflow flooding nearby villages. At least 156 bodies have been found in the surrounding area, with witnesses recounting seeing bodies of humans and animals flowing down the river. (Photo by Andrew Renneisen/Getty Images)
CHIMANIMANI, ZIMBABWE MARCH 19: People cross one of several bridges destroyed by Cyclone Idai on March 19, 2019 in Chimanimani, Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwean government said that nearly 100 people have died, with more than 200 others missing, as Cyclone Idai washed out bridges and triggered landslides in the eastern part of the country. The storm made landfall last Thursday in Mozambique with winds of up to 177 km/h.(Photo by Tafadzwa Ufumeli/Getty Images) | Poza 2 din 7
CHIMANIMANI, ZIMBABWE MARCH 19: People cross one of several bridges destroyed by Cyclone Idai on March 19, 2019 in Chimanimani, Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwean government said that nearly 100 people have died, with more than 200 others missing, as Cyclone Idai washed out bridges and triggered landslides in the eastern part of the country. The storm made landfall last Thursday in Mozambique with winds of up to 177 km/h.(Photo by Tafadzwa Ufumeli/Getty Images)
BEIRA, MOZAMBIQUE - MARCH 22: People walk is the standing water in a street on March 22, 2019 in downtown Beira, Mozambique. Thousands of people are still stranded after after Cyclone Idai hit the country last week. (Photo by Andrew Renneisen/Getty Images) | Poza 3 din 7
BEIRA, MOZAMBIQUE - MARCH 22: People walk is the standing water in a street on March 22, 2019 in downtown Beira, Mozambique. Thousands of people are still stranded after after Cyclone Idai hit the country last week. (Photo by Andrew Renneisen/Getty Images)
BEIRA, MOZAMBIQUE - MARCH 22: People from the town of Buzi unload at Beira Port after being rescued on March 22, 2019 in Beira, Mozambique. Thousands of people are still stranded after after Cyclone Idai hit the country last week. (Photo by Andrew Renneisen/Getty Images) | Poza 4 din 7
BEIRA, MOZAMBIQUE - MARCH 22: People from the town of Buzi unload at Beira Port after being rescued on March 22, 2019 in Beira, Mozambique. Thousands of people are still stranded after after Cyclone Idai hit the country last week. (Photo by Andrew Renneisen/Getty Images)
BEIRA, MOZAMBIQUE - MARCH 22: People from the town of Buzi are helped off a boat at Beira Port after being rescued on March 22, 2019 in Beira, Mozambique. Thousands of people are still stranded after after Cyclone Idai hit the country last week. (Photo by Andrew Renneisen/Getty Images) | Poza 5 din 7
BEIRA, MOZAMBIQUE - MARCH 22: People from the town of Buzi are helped off a boat at Beira Port after being rescued on March 22, 2019 in Beira, Mozambique. Thousands of people are still stranded after after Cyclone Idai hit the country last week. (Photo by Andrew Renneisen/Getty Images)
CHIPINGE, ZIMBABWE -Ciclonul Idai a provocat moartea a mii de oameni la începutul acestui an (Photo by Tafadzwa Ufumeli/Getty Images) | Poza 6 din 7
CHIPINGE, ZIMBABWE -Ciclonul Idai a provocat moartea a mii de oameni la începutul acestui an (Photo by Tafadzwa Ufumeli/Getty Images)
CHIMANIMANI, ZIMBABWE MARCH 19: People cross one of several bridges destroyed by the Cyclone Idai on March 19, 2019 in Chimanimani, Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwean government said that nearly 100 people have died, with more than 200 others missing, as Cyclone Idai washed out bridges and triggered landslides in the eastern part of the country. The storm made landfall last Thursday in Mozambique with winds of up to 177 km/h.(Photo by Tafadzwa Ufumeli/Getty Images) | Poza 7 din 7
CHIMANIMANI, ZIMBABWE MARCH 19: People cross one of several bridges destroyed by the Cyclone Idai on March 19, 2019 in Chimanimani, Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwean government said that nearly 100 people have died, with more than 200 others missing, as Cyclone Idai washed out bridges and triggered landslides in the eastern part of the country. The storm made landfall last Thursday in Mozambique with winds of up to 177 km/h.(Photo by Tafadzwa Ufumeli/Getty Images)

FOTO: Gulliver/ Getty Images

Peste 1.000 de persoane şi-au pierdut viaţa în urma furtunii, a inundaţiilor provocate de aceasta şi a ploilor torenţiale care au precedat-o, potrivit Agerpres.

Potrivit unei estimări a Băncii Mondiale, ţările afectate au nevoie de peste 2 miliarde dolari pentru eforturile de reconstrucţie.

În Mozambic, ciclonul Idai a atins uscatul în noaptea de 14 martie, în apropierea oraşului-port Beira, însoţit de vânturi puternice şi de ploi. Două râuri importante, Buzi şi Punga, au ieşit din matcă, inundând satele. Ciclonul a lăsat în urma sa 602 de morţi, 1.641 de răniţi, 239.682 de case avariate sau distruse, 715.378 de hectare distruse şi 1,85 milioane de persoane afectate.

În urma intemperiilor în această ţară a izbucnit şi un focar de holeră, cu 4.979 de cazuri confirmate şi opt decese.

Pe 16 martie, ciclonul a lovit estul statului Zimbabwe, inundând sate şi distrugând case în districtele Chimanimani şi Chipinge. Trecerea ciclonului s-a soldat cu 344 de morţi, 200 de răniţi şi mii de sinistraţi. Per total, 250.000 de persoane au avut de suferit de pe urma acestor intemperii.

În Malawi, ciclonul a fost precedat de ploi abundente şi inundaţii în districtele Chikwawa din Nsanje din sudul ţării. Ploile au continuat şi după furtună, sporind situaţia deja grea a locuitorilor acestei ţări, una dintre cele mai sărace din lume. În urma sa, Idai a lăsat 60 de morţi, 672 de răniţi şi mii de persoane sinistrate. Per total numărul persoanelor care au avut de suferit după trecerea ciclonului s-a ridicat la 868.895.

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