Galerie Foto 19 ani de la atentatele care au schimbat America și lumea. Filmul celui mai cumplit coșmar din SUA ultimelor decenii

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Momentul în care World Trade Center din New York este lovit de un avion la 11 septermbrie 2001
Momentul în care World Trade Center din New York este lovit de un avion la 11 septermbrie 2001 Foto: Guliver/Getty Images

Se împlinesc 19 ani de la atentatele din Statele Unite, comise de Al-Qaida la New York şi Washington. Aproape trei mii de oameni, printre care patru români, au murit când teroriştii au deturnat mai multe avioane şi le-au izbit de două simboluri americane: Turnurile Gemene şi Pentagonul. La trei săptămâni după atacuri începea războiul Occidentului împotriva terorismului, un război care continuă şi astăzi.

11 septembrie 2001, New York, ora locală 8:46. Un avion de pasageri loveşte turnul nordic al World Trade Center din New York. Momentul a fost surprins de cameramanul unei televiziuni care realiza un reportaj. Aparatul de zbor, un Boeing 767, decolase din Boston şi urma să aterizeze în Los Angeles. La bord erau 11 membri ai echipajului şi 81 de pasageri, dintre care cinci s-au dovedit a fi terorişti.

În acel moment, preşedintele George W. Bush, învestit în funcţie cu opt luni în urmă, era la o şcoală din oraşul Sarasota, statul Florida, unde asista la o lecţie. Vizita a început la ora 9:00, când primul atac deja avusese loc.

New York, ora locală 9:03. Scenariul se repetă. Un alt Boeing 767, care zbura tot de la Boston la Los Angeles, loveşte al doilea turn. Cinci dintre cei 56 de pasageri de la bord erau terorişti.

George W. Bush este informat de consilierul său despre al doilea atac, dar decide să rămână la lecţie, o lipsă de reacţie care i-a atras ulterior numeroase critici.

Între timp, la New York domnea haosul. Zeci de oameni, rămaşi captivi în World Trade Center, au sărit în gol, unii de la peste o sută de metri înălţime, ca să evite o moarte lentă, prin sufocare cu fum.

La aproape o oră de la primul atac, Administraţia Aviaţiei Civile interzice toate zborurile în spaţiul aerian al Statelor Unite, pentru prima dată în istoria ţării.

Washington D.C., Pentagon: ora 9:37. Un al treilea avion, un Boeing 757, deturnat tot de cinci terorişti, se prăbușește peste Pentagon. La bord erau 58 de pasageri şi şase membri ai echipajului.

New York, ora 9:59. Turnul sudic al World Trade Center se prăbuşeşte cu un zgomot puternic, într-un nor gros de fum. În cădere, turnul distruge o altă clădire a complexului.

Shanksville, Pennsylvania, ora 10:03. Al patrulea şi ultimul avion deturnat, zborul 93, pe ruta Newark-San Francisco, cade pe un câmp din statul Pennsylvania. Cei patru terorişti de la bord aveau misiunea să prăbuşească avionul peste sediul Congresului Statelor Unite. Planul a fost însă dejucat de cei 37 de pasageri aflaţi la bord.

New York, ora 10:28. Turnul nordic, primul lovit în atacuri, se prăbuşeşte, după ce a fost în flăcări timp de aproape două ore. Străzile din New York arată ca într-un film apocaliptic. Un nor gros de praf acopera totul în jur - oameni, clădiri şi maşini. Pompierii şi poliţiştii care şi-au riscat vieţile pentru a-i salva pe cei prinşi sub dărâmături sunt eroii zilei de 11 septembrie 2001. Mulţi oameni în uniformă aveau să moară în următoarele luni şi chiar ani, din cauza fumului şi prafului inhalate în timpul operaţiunilor de salvare.

Seara, preşedintele George W. Bush se adresează naţiunii şi anunţă începutul războiului împotriva terorismului internaţional. Unul dintre apropiaţii fostului lider de la Casa Albă îşi aminteşte că a notat pe şase pagini reacţiile preşedintelui, după atentate.

Ari Fleischer, fost secretar de presă al Casei Albe: „Suntem în război. Eram alături de comandatul suprem când el a spus: Suntem în război. Îi spune vicepreşedintelui, îi spune secretarului apărării: Și ştii ce va face America în continuare. Asta îţi trimite un fior pe şira spinării”.

394261 77: Smoke spews from a tower of the World Trade Center September 11, 2001 after two hijacked airplanes hit the twin towers in an alleged terrorist attack on New York City. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)
394261 77: Smoke spews from a tower of the World Trade Center September 11, 2001 after two hijacked airplanes hit the twin towers in an alleged terrorist attack on New York City. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

394261 77: Smoke spews from a tower of the World Trade Center September 11, 2001 after two hijacked airplanes hit the twin towers in an alleged terrorist attack on New York City. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images) | Poza 1 din 19
394261 77: Smoke spews from a tower of the World Trade Center September 11, 2001 after two hijacked airplanes hit the twin towers in an alleged terrorist attack on New York City. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)
394273 02: One of the World Trade Center
394273 02: One of the World Trade Center's twin towers collapses after it was struck by a commerical airliner in a suspected terrorist attack September 11, 2001 in New York City. (Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images)
394261 159: People walk over the Brooklyn Bridge as the world trade center burns September 11, 2001 after two hijacked airplanes slammed into the twin towers in New York City. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) | Poza 3 din 19
394261 159: People walk over the Brooklyn Bridge as the world trade center burns September 11, 2001 after two hijacked airplanes slammed into the twin towers in New York City. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
394263 22: (PUERTO RICO OUT) A man falls to his death from the World Trade Center after two planes hit the twin towers September 11, 2001 in New York City in an terrorist attack. (Photo by Jose Jimenez/Primera Hora/Getty Images) | Poza 4 din 19
394263 22: (PUERTO RICO OUT) A man falls to his death from the World Trade Center after two planes hit the twin towers September 11, 2001 in New York City in an terrorist attack. (Photo by Jose Jimenez/Primera Hora/Getty Images)
394273 10: Smoke billows from the World Trade Center
394273 10: Smoke billows from the World Trade Center's twin towers after they were struck by commerical airliners in a suspected terrorist attack September 11, 2001 in New York City. (Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images)
394277 08: Smoke cover a destoryed building at the World Trade Center after two hijacked planes crashed into the Twin Towers September 11, 2001 in New York. (Photo by Ron Agam/Getty Images) | Poza 6 din 19
394277 08: Smoke cover a destoryed building at the World Trade Center after two hijacked planes crashed into the Twin Towers September 11, 2001 in New York. (Photo by Ron Agam/Getty Images)
394392 18: Rescue workers sift through the wreckage of the World Trade Center September 13, 2001 in New York City, two days after two hijacked airplanes slammed into the twin towers, levelling them in an alleged terrorist attack. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images) | Poza 7 din 19
394392 18: Rescue workers sift through the wreckage of the World Trade Center September 13, 2001 in New York City, two days after two hijacked airplanes slammed into the twin towers, levelling them in an alleged terrorist attack. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)
394261 162: Dust and debries cover a police vehicle September 11, 2001 after two hijacked airplanes slammed into the World Trade Center twin towers in New York City. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) | Poza 8 din 19
394261 162: Dust and debries cover a police vehicle September 11, 2001 after two hijacked airplanes slammed into the World Trade Center twin towers in New York City. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
Foto: Guliver/Getty Images | Poza 9 din 19
Foto: Guliver/Getty Images
394261 160: People wait for buses at the Port Authority bus station September 11, 2001 after two hijacked airplanes slammed into the World Trade Center twin towers in New York City. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) | Poza 10 din 19
394261 160: People wait for buses at the Port Authority bus station September 11, 2001 after two hijacked airplanes slammed into the World Trade Center twin towers in New York City. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
394263 02: (PUERTO RICO OUT) A paramedic and police officers walk away from the World Trade Center after one of the Twin Towers crumbled after two planes crashed into the buildings September 11, 2001 in New York City. (Photo by Jose Jimenez/Primera Hora/Getty Images) | Poza 11 din 19
394263 02: (PUERTO RICO OUT) A paramedic and police officers walk away from the World Trade Center after one of the Twin Towers crumbled after two planes crashed into the buildings September 11, 2001 in New York City. (Photo by Jose Jimenez/Primera Hora/Getty Images)
394273 12: An emergency worker takes a break from the rescue effort after the World Trade Center
394273 12: An emergency worker takes a break from the rescue effort after the World Trade Center's twin towers collapsed after being struck by commerical airliners in a suspected terrorist attack September 11, 2001 in New York City. (Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images)
NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 11: A firefighter breaks down after the World Trade Center buildings collapsed September 11, 2001 after two hijacked airplanes slammed into the twin towers in a terrorist attack that killed some 3,000 people. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images) | Poza 13 din 19
NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 11: A firefighter breaks down after the World Trade Center buildings collapsed September 11, 2001 after two hijacked airplanes slammed into the twin towers in a terrorist attack that killed some 3,000 people. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)
394277 03: New York City firefighters work at the World Trade Center after two hijacked planes crashed into the Twin Towers September 11, 2001 in New York. (Photo by Ron Agam/Getty Images) | Poza 14 din 19
394277 03: New York City firefighters work at the World Trade Center after two hijacked planes crashed into the Twin Towers September 11, 2001 in New York. (Photo by Ron Agam/Getty Images)
394262 03: Smoke comes out from the west wing of the Pentagon building September 11, 2001 in Arlington, Va., after a plane crashed into the building and set off a huge explosion. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images) | Poza 15 din 19
394262 03: Smoke comes out from the west wing of the Pentagon building September 11, 2001 in Arlington, Va., after a plane crashed into the building and set off a huge explosion. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
394262 07: Smoke comes out from the Southwest E-ring of the Pentagon building September 11, 2001 in Arlington, Va., after a plane crashed into the building and set off a huge explosion. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images) | Poza 16 din 19
394262 07: Smoke comes out from the Southwest E-ring of the Pentagon building September 11, 2001 in Arlington, Va., after a plane crashed into the building and set off a huge explosion. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
394276 02: The Washington Momument stands in the background as firefighters pour water on a fire at the Pentagon that was caused by a hijacked plane crashing into the building September 11, 2001 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Greg Whitesell/Getty Images) | Poza 17 din 19
394276 02: The Washington Momument stands in the background as firefighters pour water on a fire at the Pentagon that was caused by a hijacked plane crashing into the building September 11, 2001 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Greg Whitesell/Getty Images)
394281 04: Patricia Petrowitz falls to her knees in prayer in Seattle
394281 04: Patricia Petrowitz falls to her knees in prayer in Seattle's St. James Cathedral during a prayer service September 11, 2001 in the wake of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon. The Cathedral was filled to standing room only. (Photo by Tim Matsui/Getty Images)
394509 03: U.S. President Geroge W. Bush (R) speaks to his staff inside the private dinning room September 11, 200 at The White House prior to his address to the nation about the terrorist attacks on the U.S. With the president are (L to R) White House Counsel Al Gonzalez, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, Presidential Counselor Karen Hughes, Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, and Chief of Staff Andy Card. (Photo by Paul Morse/The WHite House/Getty Images) | Poza 19 din 19
394509 03: U.S. President Geroge W. Bush (R) speaks to his staff inside the private dinning room September 11, 200 at The White House prior to his address to the nation about the terrorist attacks on the U.S. With the president are (L to R) White House Counsel Al Gonzalez, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, Presidential Counselor Karen Hughes, Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, and Chief of Staff Andy Card. (Photo by Paul Morse/The WHite House/Getty Images)

Foto ©Guliver/GettyImages

Patru români, printre victimele atentatelor de la 11 septembrie

În total, 2.977 de oameni au fost ucişi în atacurile teroriste.

Printre cei aproape trei mii de oameni şi-au pierdut viaţa în atentatele de la 11 septembrie şi patru români stabiliţi de mai mulţi ani în Statele Unite. Este vorba de soţii Alexandru şi Corina Stan, de 34 şi 31 de ani, de Joshua Poptean, 37 de ani, şi Eugen Lazăr, 27 de ani. Toţi lucrau în turnurile World Trade Center.

Nu au lipsit teroriile conspirației

Amploarea atentatelor din Statele Unite a dus şi la apariţia unor teorii ale conspiraţiei. Imediat după atentate şi la câţiva ani după aceea s-a vehiculat varianta potrivit căreia Turnurile Gemene au fost doborâte în urma unor explozii controlate, iar sediul Pentagonului a fost lovit de o rachetă, şi nu de un avion.

Totuşi, varianta unanim recunoscută este că la 11 septembrie 2001 a fost o serie de atentate teroriste organizate de gruparea Al-Qaida.

Editare web: Luana Păvălucă

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