Imaginile coșmarului. Zeci de morți și sute de dispăruți în cel mai distrugător incendiu din California

Data actualizării: Data publicării:
Rapidly-Spreading Wildfire In California's Butte County Prompts Evacuations
PARADISE, CA - NOVEMBER 10: Power lines rest on cars that were burned by the Camp Fire on November 10, 2018 in Paradise, California. Fueled by high winds and low humidity, the rapidly spreading Camp Fire ripped through the town of Paradise and has quickly charred 100,000 acres and has destroyed over 6,700 homes and businesses in a matter of hours. The fire is currently at 20 percent containment. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Cel mai distrugător incendiu din istoria Californiei continuă să facă prăpăd în nordul statului american. A ucis 31 de oameni, în timp ce peste 200 sunt daţi dispăruţi, potrivit celui mai recent bilanț. Focul a pârjolit zeci de mii de hectare de vegetaţie, iar aproape şapte mii de clădiri au fost făcute scrum. Focul e controlat doar în proporţie de 25% şi problemele vor continua, fiindcă vântul alimentează flăcările uriaşe. E dezastru şi în sudul Californiei, unde două focare provoacă distrugeri importante. Unul dintre ele a provocat evacuarea a sute de mii de oameni.

PARADISE, CA - NOVEMBER 08: A plume of smoke rises above the Camp Fire as it moves through the area on November 8, 2018 in Paradise, California. Fueled by high winds and low humidity, the rapidly spreading Camp Fire has ripped through the town of Paradise and has quickly charred 18,000 acres and has destroyed dozens of homes in a matter of hours. The fire is currently at zero containment. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
PARADISE, CA - NOVEMBER 08: A plume of smoke rises above the Camp Fire as it moves through the area on November 8, 2018 in Paradise, California. Fueled by high winds and low humidity, the rapidly spreading Camp Fire has ripped through the town of Paradise and has quickly charred 18,000 acres and has destroyed dozens of homes in a matter of hours. The fire is currently at zero containment. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

PARADISE, CA - NOVEMBER 08: A plume of smoke rises above the Camp Fire as it moves through the area on November 8, 2018 in Paradise, California. Fueled by high winds and low humidity, the rapidly spreading Camp Fire has ripped through the town of Paradise and has quickly charred 18,000 acres and has destroyed dozens of homes in a matter of hours. The fire is currently at zero containment. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) | Poza 1 din 10
PARADISE, CA - NOVEMBER 08: A plume of smoke rises above the Camp Fire as it moves through the area on November 8, 2018 in Paradise, California. Fueled by high winds and low humidity, the rapidly spreading Camp Fire has ripped through the town of Paradise and has quickly charred 18,000 acres and has destroyed dozens of homes in a matter of hours. The fire is currently at zero containment. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
MALIBU, CA - NOVEMBER 11: A wildfire burns at the Salvation Army Camp on November 10, 2018 in Malibu, California. The Woolsey fire has burned over 70,000 acres and has reached the Pacific Coast at Malibu as it continues grow. (Photo by Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images) | Poza 2 din 10
MALIBU, CA - NOVEMBER 11: A wildfire burns at the Salvation Army Camp on November 10, 2018 in Malibu, California. The Woolsey fire has burned over 70,000 acres and has reached the Pacific Coast at Malibu as it continues grow. (Photo by Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images)
MALIBU, CA - NOVEMBER 11: A wildfire burns at the Salvation Army Camp on November 10, 2018 in Malibu, California. The Woolsey fire has burned over 70,000 acres and has reached the Pacific Coast at Malibu as it continues grow. (Photo by Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images) | Poza 3 din 10
MALIBU, CA - NOVEMBER 11: A wildfire burns at the Salvation Army Camp on November 10, 2018 in Malibu, California. The Woolsey fire has burned over 70,000 acres and has reached the Pacific Coast at Malibu as it continues grow. (Photo by Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images)
PARADISE, CA - NOVEMBER 09: A business that was destroyed by the Camp Fire continues to smolder on November 9, 2018 in Paradise, California. Fueled by high winds and low humidity, the rapidly spreading Camp Fire ripped through the town of Paradise and has quickly charred 70,000 acres and has destroyed numerous homes and businesses in a matter of hours. The fire is currently at five percent containment. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) | Poza 4 din 10
PARADISE, CA - NOVEMBER 09: A business that was destroyed by the Camp Fire continues to smolder on November 9, 2018 in Paradise, California. Fueled by high winds and low humidity, the rapidly spreading Camp Fire ripped through the town of Paradise and has quickly charred 70,000 acres and has destroyed numerous homes and businesses in a matter of hours. The fire is currently at five percent containment. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
PARADISE, CA - NOVEMBER 10: Power lines rest on cars that were burned by the Camp Fire on November 10, 2018 in Paradise, California. Fueled by high winds and low humidity, the rapidly spreading Camp Fire ripped through the town of Paradise and has quickly charred 100,000 acres and has destroyed over 6,700 homes and businesses in a matter of hours. The fire is currently at 20 percent containment. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) | Poza 5 din 10
PARADISE, CA - NOVEMBER 10: Power lines rest on cars that were burned by the Camp Fire on November 10, 2018 in Paradise, California. Fueled by high winds and low humidity, the rapidly spreading Camp Fire ripped through the town of Paradise and has quickly charred 100,000 acres and has destroyed over 6,700 homes and businesses in a matter of hours. The fire is currently at 20 percent containment. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
 FOTO: Gulliver/ Getty Images | Poza 6 din 10
FOTO: Gulliver/ Getty Images
MALIBU, CA - NOVEMBER 09: Embers falls from burning palms and the sun is obscured by smoke as flames close in on a house at the Woolsey Fire on November 9, 2018 in Malibu, California. About 75,000 homes have been evacuated in Los Angeles and Ventura counties due to two fires in the region. (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images) | Poza 7 din 10
MALIBU, CA - NOVEMBER 09: Embers falls from burning palms and the sun is obscured by smoke as flames close in on a house at the Woolsey Fire on November 9, 2018 in Malibu, California. About 75,000 homes have been evacuated in Los Angeles and Ventura counties due to two fires in the region. (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images)
MALIBU, CA - NOVEMBER 09: Flames overtake the Reagan Ranch, once owned by President Ronald Reagan, at Malibu Creek State Park during the Woolsey Fire on November 9, 2018 near Malibu, California. After a experiencing a mass shooting, residents of Thousand Oaks are threatened by the ignition of two nearby dangerous wildfires, including the Woolsey Fire which has reached the Pacific Coast at Malibu. (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images) | Poza 8 din 10
MALIBU, CA - NOVEMBER 09: Flames overtake the Reagan Ranch, once owned by President Ronald Reagan, at Malibu Creek State Park during the Woolsey Fire on November 9, 2018 near Malibu, California. After a experiencing a mass shooting, residents of Thousand Oaks are threatened by the ignition of two nearby dangerous wildfires, including the Woolsey Fire which has reached the Pacific Coast at Malibu. (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images)
BIG BEND, CA - NOVEMBER 09: Cal Fire Captain Steve Millosovich carries a cage full of cats that were found in the road after the Camp Fire moved through the area on November 9, 2018 in Big Bend, California. Fueled by high winds and low humidity, the rapidly spreading Camp Fire ripped through the town of Paradise and has quickly charred 70,000 acres and has destroyed numerous homes and businesses in a matter of hours. The fire is currently at five percent containment. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) | Poza 9 din 10
BIG BEND, CA - NOVEMBER 09: Cal Fire Captain Steve Millosovich carries a cage full of cats that were found in the road after the Camp Fire moved through the area on November 9, 2018 in Big Bend, California. Fueled by high winds and low humidity, the rapidly spreading Camp Fire ripped through the town of Paradise and has quickly charred 70,000 acres and has destroyed numerous homes and businesses in a matter of hours. The fire is currently at five percent containment. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
MALIBU, CA - NOVEMBER 09: A bird is left dead in the wake of flames during the Woolsey Fire on November 9, 2018 near Malibu, California. After a experiencing a mass shooting, residents of Thousand Oaks are threatened by the ignition of two nearby dangerous wildfires, including the Woolsey Fire which has reached the Pacific Coast at Malibu. (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images) | Poza 10 din 10
MALIBU, CA - NOVEMBER 09: A bird is left dead in the wake of flames during the Woolsey Fire on November 9, 2018 near Malibu, California. After a experiencing a mass shooting, residents of Thousand Oaks are threatened by the ignition of two nearby dangerous wildfires, including the Woolsey Fire which has reached the Pacific Coast at Malibu. (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images)

FOTOGALERIE © Guliver/GettyImages (clic pe prima imagine pentru a le vedea pe toate celelalte)

Americanii din nordul Californiei au ajuns la disperare. Incendiul cu care se confruntă, cel mai distrugător din istoria statului american, a ucis zeci de oameni şi a distrus mii de case.

Incendiul a fost denumit „Camp Fire”. Ironia sorții, cele mai multe victime sunt într-un oraș numit Paradise. 19 trupuri au fost găsite aici. Începând de joi, peste 6.700 de clădiri din Paradise, dintre care cele mai multe erau locuinţe, au fost distruse de incendiul numit „Camp Fire”.

Mai mult de 250.000 de persoane au primit ordin de evacuare.

A ars tot, s-a dus totul, toate locurile în care mergeam, toţi oamenii pe care-i ştiam şi care locuiau în apropierea mea...”, spune îndurerat un bărbat.

Aproape 45 de mii de hectare de vegetaţie au fost pârjolite, în timp ce dintr-un oraş întreg au mai rămas doar nişte ziduri şi caroserii arse.

Ne-am confruntat cu multe incendii de-a lungul anilor, dar acesta e unul dintre cele mai grave”, a declarat un pompier.

În sudul Californiei, alte două incendii au distrus 34 de mii de hectare de vegetaţie şi înaintează rapid. Şi-au dublat suprafaţa în acest weekend şi au distrus sute de case.

„Cred că a ars (casa, Cred că a ars fiindcă din câte văd, locuinţa vecinului e deja cuprinsă de flăcări”, spune un localnic.

Vedete afectate de incendiu, la Malibu

Flăcările au trecut dincolo de o autostradă şi au intrat în Malibu, unde locuiesc zeci de vedete. Toţi cei de acolo au fost nevoiţi să evacueze oraşul, , inclusiv artişti celebri care au case impunătoare în zonă: Will Smith, Lady Gaga şi Martin Sheen.  Kim Kardashian a anunţat pe Twitter că flăcările au afectat locuinţa ei şi a soţului său, rapperul Kanye West.

Cei 13.000 de locuitori din Malibu au primit ordine de evacuare. Unele locuințe s-au făcut scrum. Sâmbătă, în oraş au fost găsiţi doi morţi, dar biroul şerifului din comitatul Los Angeles nu a putut preciza dacă focul a fost cauza deceselor.

Evacuat a fost şi Thousand Oaks, oraş care trăieşte a doua dramă în doar o săptămână: de curând, un fost soldat a ucis 12 oameni într-un bar de aici.

Preşedintele Statelor Unite, Donald Trump, a afirmat sâmbătă, într-un mesaj pe Twitter, că nu există alt motiv pentru incendiile de vegetaţie sălbatică din California în afara managementului defectuos al pădurilor de către autorităţile statului. 

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