
Nicolae Ciucă on the Russian invasion in Ukraine: real crimes against humanity

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Premierul Nicolae Ciucă. Foto: Profimedia Images

Romanian PM Nicolae Ciucă condemned on Friday the war crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine and named them as “real crimes against humanity”. Ciucă also stated that the recent attacks on Ukrainian cities such as Mariupol, Kherson, Kharkov and Kyiv are similar to the massacres carried by Russian army in Grozny (Chechnya) and Aleppo (Syria).

“The war once again broke out in Europe as the international law was disregarded while Russia invaded Ukraine. The aggression triggered by Russia was unchallenged, unjustified and illegal, violating all international rules”, said Nicolae Ciucă, on a debate organized by Aspen Institute in Bucharest.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine was regarded by Ciucă as "an unacceptable aggression bringing refugee inflows, damage of housing, hospitals, maternities, kindergartens and schools similar to Grozny and Aleppo".

"We now find similar calamities in Mariupol, Kherson, Kharkov and Kyiv. Real crimes against humanity, war crimes that characterize this Russian action against democracy, against the West, against the world"

The Romanian PM added that both Europe and the entire world also have to face simultaneously several other crisis such as the pandemic economic recession, refugee crisis, energy crisis, as well as supply chain shortages.

“Different to 2015, when the crisis of one million migrants from the Middle East shattered Europe stability, the actual Ukrainian refugee crisis revealed a totally opposite behavior, united and invincible” noted Nicolae Ciucă.

"Romania shined. Starting from this moment, we need to further show we can shine. The resilience of our country proved flowless on the refugee matter, showing a good cooperation between the Romanian state, its citizens and several NGOs. We invested 3.4 million euro in humanitarian aid and set up a distribution hub for humanitarian aid for Ukraine"

Nicolae Ciucă underlined that 141 states voted în the UN General Assembly in favor of a resolution that condemned the Russian Federation for invading Ukraine, while only 5 states voted against: Russia, Belarus, Syria, North Korea and Eritrea.

The Romanian head of government also noted that the overwhelming vote and the assumed unanimous sanctions against Moscow indicate that Russia needs to pay for the war of aggression initiated by the Putin regime.

Editor : Ștefania Vîlcu

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