Azi e Ziua mondială a râsului. Ce aduce terapia prin râs?

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President Obama Hosts National Teacher Of Year Finalists
Foto: Gulliver/GettyImages

Ziua mondială a râsului se celebrează, anual, în prima duminică a lunii mai, iar în 2017 această zi este marcată la 7 mai, relatează Agerpres.

President Obama Hosts National Teacher Of Year Finalists
Foto: Gulliver/GettyImages

Inițiativa îi aparține indianului Madan Kataria, fondatorul mișcării ''Laughter Yoga'' (Hasyayoga), adică terapia prin râs, el fiind și autorul cărții ''Laugh For No Reason'' (2002) (Râzi fără motiv). Efectele acestei terapii sunt cât se poate de serioase și importante, conform

În primul rând, susțin adepții terapiei amintite, eliberarea endorfinelor prin râs poate schimba în bine starea de spirit după doar câteva minute. Endorfinele, numite uneori și ''molecule ale fericirii'', sunt substanțe chimice produse de creier ca răspuns la o varietate de stimului. Acestea pot reduce stresul, proprietățile lor analgezice fiind comparate chiar cu cele ale morfinei. Mai mult, eliberarea endorfinelor în organism poate duce la îmbunătățirea sistemului circulator și întărirea celui imunitar.

În al doilea rând, terapia inspirată de Madan Kataria promite transformarea bunei-dispoziții în adevărate exerciții de respirație și de tip cardio, ceea ce, pe termen lung, ajută la oxigenarea mai bună a organismului și la menținerea unui tonus ridicat.

Beneficiile râsului nu se opresc doar la o stare euforică de moment și îmbunătățirea propriei sănătăți, ci includ o mai bună relaționare cu cei din jur, râsul fiind o energie pozitivă, de multe ori molipsitoare, care ajută oamenii să lege prietenii sau să le îmbunătățească. Nu întâmplător, printre devizele cluburilor ce practică terapia prin râs se numără ''Pacea mondială prin râs'', ''Întreaga lume este o familie'', ''Râzi și fă-i și pe alții să râdă'', notează site-ul .

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În plus, exersarea râsului și inducerea constantă a bunei dispoziții ne pot ajuta să trecem mai ușor peste momente de cumpănă. Nu neapărat în sensul bagatelizării acestora, cât mai ales prin adoptarea unei stări mentale pozitive, optimiste și dizolvarea emoțiilor negative precum anxietatea, tristețea sau furia.

Performers Take Part In The Edinburgh Festival
Foto: Gulliver/GettyImages

Atât cu prilejul Zilei mondiale a râsului, cât și în cadrul întâlnirilor obișnuite ale cluburilor dedicate râsului, sunt programate evenimente menite să stârnească zâmbete și hohote de râs, precum spectacole de muzică și dans ori concursuri pentru desemnarea celui mai molipsitor râs sau al celui mai lipsit de talent cântăreț. Principalii ''inamici'' sunt inhibiția, timiditatea, sensibilitatea exagerată și, evident, tristețea sau supărarea.

Primul club de terapie prin râs a fost înființat de Madan Kataria în anul 1995, într-un parc din Mumbai, numărând șase persoane. Kataria a organizat pentru prima dată Ziua mondială a râsului în 1998, tot la Mumbai, cu participarea a peste 12.000 de oameni. Evenimentul a trecut curând granițele Indiei, în anul 2000 peste 10.000 de danezi marcând această zi în centrul capitalei Copenhaga.

În prezent, există peste 6.000 de Cluburi de Râs în peste 100 de țări, inclusiv în România.

Iată și o galerie foto (©Gulliver/GettyImages) care arată cum râd unii dintre cei mai cunoscuți oameni ai planetei (click pe prima fotografie pentru a le vedea pe toate celelalte):

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - APRIL 19: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg laughs before the start of a town hall style meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama at Facebook headquarters on April 20, 2011 in Palo Alto, California. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - APRIL 19: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg laughs before the start of a town hall style meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama at Facebook headquarters on April 20, 2011 in Palo Alto, California. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - APRIL 19: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg laughs before the start of a town hall style meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama at Facebook headquarters on April 20, 2011 in Palo Alto, California. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) | Poza 1 din 12
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - APRIL 19: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg laughs before the start of a town hall style meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama at Facebook headquarters on April 20, 2011 in Palo Alto, California. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
The Prince Of Wales Accompanies President And Mrs Santos To The Natural History Museum | Poza 2 din 12
The Prince Of Wales Accompanies President And Mrs Santos To The Natural History Museum
WASHINGTON, DC - SEPTEMBER 08: Former U.S. presidents Bill Clinton (L) and George W. Bush share a laugh during an event launching the Presidential Leadership Scholars program at the Newseum September 8, 2014 in Washington, DC. With the cooperation of the Clinton, Bush, Lyndon B. Johnson and George H. W. Bush presidential libraries and foundations, the new scholarship program will provide
WASHINGTON, DC - SEPTEMBER 08: Former U.S. presidents Bill Clinton (L) and George W. Bush share a laugh during an event launching the Presidential Leadership Scholars program at the Newseum September 8, 2014 in Washington, DC. With the cooperation of the Clinton, Bush, Lyndon B. Johnson and George H. W. Bush presidential libraries and foundations, the new scholarship program will provide 'motivated leaders across all sectors an opportunity to study presidential leadership and decision making and learn from key administration officials, practitioners and leading academics.' (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
CAMBRIDGE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE - APRIL 19: His Holiness the Dalai Lama laughs during a press conference in the Divinity School of St. John
CAMBRIDGE, CAMBRIDGESHIRE - APRIL 19: His Holiness the Dalai Lama laughs during a press conference in the Divinity School of St. John's College, part of the University of Cambridge, on April 19, 2013 in Cambridge, England. The Dalai Lama was invited to address an audience in St. John's College by the Global Scholars Symposium during his 5-day visit to the UK. The exiled 77-year-old Buddhist Tibetan leader spoke on themes of non-violence, compassion, dialogue and universal responsibility. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images)
403667 05: German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder (R) and Russian President Vladimir Putin share a laugh April 10, 2002, in Weimar, Germany. Putin and Schroeder are attending a two-day German-Russian summit as part of the Petersburg Dialogue, an ongoing effort on the part of the two countries to deepen their bilateral relations. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) | Poza 5 din 12
403667 05: German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder (R) and Russian President Vladimir Putin share a laugh April 10, 2002, in Weimar, Germany. Putin and Schroeder are attending a two-day German-Russian summit as part of the Petersburg Dialogue, an ongoing effort on the part of the two countries to deepen their bilateral relations. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
FOTO: Gulliver/ Getty Images | Poza 6 din 12
FOTO: Gulliver/ Getty Images
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 5: Prime Minister David Cameron laughs as London Mayor Boris Johnson speaks during an election rally on May 5, 2015 in Hendon, London, United Kingdom. Britain will go to the polls in a national election in just two days time. (Photo by Toby Melville - WPA Pool /Getty Images) | Poza 7 din 12
LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 5: Prime Minister David Cameron laughs as London Mayor Boris Johnson speaks during an election rally on May 5, 2015 in Hendon, London, United Kingdom. Britain will go to the polls in a national election in just two days time. (Photo by Toby Melville - WPA Pool /Getty Images)
NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 05: Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton is greeted by supporters at a Women for Hillary Town Hall meeting with New York City First Lady Chirlane McCray and New York Congresswomen Yvette Clarke on April 5, 2016 at Medgars Evers College in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. The meeting comes before the New York primary which takes place on April 19. (Photo by Andrew Renneisen/Getty Images) | Poza 8 din 12
NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 05: Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton is greeted by supporters at a Women for Hillary Town Hall meeting with New York City First Lady Chirlane McCray and New York Congresswomen Yvette Clarke on April 5, 2016 at Medgars Evers College in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. The meeting comes before the New York primary which takes place on April 19. (Photo by Andrew Renneisen/Getty Images)
BOCA RATON, FL - APRIL 16: Billionaire Donald Trump laughs while speaking to a crowd at the 2011 Palm Beach County Tax Day Tea Party on April 16, 2011 at Sanborn Square in Boca Raton, Florida. Trump is considering a bid for the 2012 presidency and is expected to announce his running in the coming weeks. (Photo by John W. Adkisson/Getty Images) | Poza 9 din 12
BOCA RATON, FL - APRIL 16: Billionaire Donald Trump laughs while speaking to a crowd at the 2011 Palm Beach County Tax Day Tea Party on April 16, 2011 at Sanborn Square in Boca Raton, Florida. Trump is considering a bid for the 2012 presidency and is expected to announce his running in the coming weeks. (Photo by John W. Adkisson/Getty Images)
WOLVERHAMPTON, ENGLAND - MAY 06: British Prime Minister Theresa May shares a laugh with a worker as she tours the UTC Aerospace Systems factory during a campaign visit on May 6, 2017 in Wolverhampton, England. Campaigning is underway ahead of the June 8th general election. Former John Lewis boss Andy Street was yesterday elected West Midlands metro mayor for the Conservatives as the party gained over 500 seats in local elections. (Photo by Jack Taylor/Getty Images) | Poza 10 din 12
WOLVERHAMPTON, ENGLAND - MAY 06: British Prime Minister Theresa May shares a laugh with a worker as she tours the UTC Aerospace Systems factory during a campaign visit on May 6, 2017 in Wolverhampton, England. Campaigning is underway ahead of the June 8th general election. Former John Lewis boss Andy Street was yesterday elected West Midlands metro mayor for the Conservatives as the party gained over 500 seats in local elections. (Photo by Jack Taylor/Getty Images)
BERLIN, GERMANY - NOVEMBER 28: German Chancellor Angela Merkel laughs at a colleagues comment as she arrive for the wekkly German government cabinet meeting on November 28, 2012 in Berlin, Germany. High on the morning
BERLIN, GERMANY - NOVEMBER 28: German Chancellor Angela Merkel laughs at a colleagues comment as she arrive for the wekkly German government cabinet meeting on November 28, 2012 in Berlin, Germany. High on the morning's agenda was changes to the country's pension system. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
Foto: Guliver / Getty Images | Poza 12 din 12
Foto: Guliver / Getty Images

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