Romanian public institutions, urged to refrain from using Russian antivirus software

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Hacker care tastează la un laptop.
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Romanian authorities and public institutions are urged to stop buying or use Russian antivirus software products and services, according to a decision adopted Thursday by the Romanian government. The already existing software will be disconnected or uninstalled.

The Government, lead by Prime-minister Nicolae Ciucă, approved a bill that establish means of protection for cyber systems that belong to public authorities and institutions, in the aftermath of the Russian’s invasion in Ukraine.

Furthermore, the Russian software products that have already been purchased or installed will be disconnected and/or uninstalled with the support of the Ministry of Digitalization, the Authority for the Digitalization of Romania, the Romanian National Cyber Security Directorate, Romanian Intelligence Service and the Romanian Special Telecommunications Service.

“This measure has been taken as the cyber specialists alert that the presence of Russian antivirus software represents a vulnerability of the cyber security of Romanian authorities and institutions. The tendency of multiple EU member states is to make recommendations or legal bills to impose to public institutions of their own to change their antivirus systems if they originate from the Russian Federation as there is always the risk of a cyber attack if Russia chooses to exploit their antivirus software”, the Romanian Government states.

Romania recorded a high rise in the number cyberattacks aimed at its infrastructure shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine.

The minister of Research, Innovation and Digitalization, Sebastian Burduja, mentioned on Wednesday that the Government will request an emergency procedure to pass this bill in the Romanian Parliament.

Editor : Ștefania Vîlcu

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