PM Ciucă, about mask mandate: legal requirements still apply until CCR decision is published in the Official Gazzette

Data actualizării: Data publicării:
premier nicole ciuca cu masca pe fata
Premierul Nicolae Ciucă. Foto: Inquam Photos / Sabin Cirstoveanu

Romanian PM Nicolae Ciucă said on Wednesday, in regard to the ruling of the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) which deemed outdoor mask mandate as unconstitutional, that he would wait for the Court's reasoning and, until the decision is published in the Official Gazzette, the legal requirements still apply.

Ciucă also asked the Romanian citizens to protect themseleves against the virus, as the level of risk infection is currently still high in Romania.

"The CCR ruling will be carried out, we have the official statement, we are waiting for the reasoning and for the publication of the decision. Formally, the legal provisions stay in force", said Nicolae Ciucă.

Another effect of the CCR decision is that fines previously received by citizens for not wearing masks outdoors, that are currently challenged in court, will be annulled if no court decision is reached by the time the CCR's ruling is published in the Official Gazzette.

The Romanian Health Ministry Alexandru Rafila considered the use of masks not as a restriction, but rather a measure to slow down the spread of Omicron virus. He said that he would further support the use of facial masks indoors, in public transport and in enclosed markets.

"The individual protection is necessary for oneself, as well as for those we get in touch with", said the minister of health.

If the legal context requires it, the government will adopt the necessary legal measures meant to protect public health.

"Any relief measures need to be taken according to the epidemiological situation. The new infections and death rate decreased, as we reported today 17.000 cases, and 171 deaths, but the community transmission still exists. When we will have a slower transmission associated to the decrease in numbers of the patients in intensive care, then we can discuss about relief measures. Till then we will keep being cautious”, said Alexandru Rafila.

The judges of the Constitutional Court of Romania ruled on Tuesday, that the mandatory mask wearing in public spaces was unconstitutional.

Editor : Ștefania Vîlcu

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