Dacian Cioloș steps down as USR president. „Without mutual trust, we cannot work together”

Data actualizării: Data publicării:
Dacian Cioloș, dezamăgit.
Dacian Cioloș. Foto: Inquam Photos / Octav Ganea

Dacian Cioloș resigned as president of Uniunea Salvați România (Union Save Romania - USR), after his plans to reform the party were rejected by the USR leadership.

”Without mutual trust, we cannot work together. I decided to resign from being a president, I will continue to remain a member of the party and I will search ways of improvement, together with my colleagues that believe this party has a future. The USR party is still an alternative on the political landscape of Romania, an alternative to extremism”, said Dacian Cioloș.

Cioloș, who is also a Romanian MEP for Renew Europe added that he still believes in the future of USR.  „It needs refreshing, reconnection to society, it needs the courage to acknowledge its limits that the party needs to overcome in the near future”.

The new interim president of USR is former vice-president Cătălin Drulă. According to the USR status, the vice president that gained the highest number of votes in the Congress is automatically selected as interim president.

Cătălin Drulă will remain president of USR until the party will decide to organize new elections.

The crack inside the USR is linked to the power struggle: last year's Congress elected Cioloș as president of the party, but the actual leadership of the party is still controlled by ”Team Barna”, that supports Dan Barna, the former USR president.

“I hope current party members won’t leave USR and will continue to fight for the improvement of the party. I would like to leave a message to our supporters, to those who witnessed these days our internal struggle. I would like to tell them that I still believe that dialogue sometimes can be tough, direct, but this keeps a party alive, things that aren’t seen in other parties. This inner unrest, if well targeted, can generate a suitable party to represent the society”, stated Dacian Cioloș.

Editor : Ștefania Vîlcu

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