Future Media Workshops - un proiect Deutsche Welle & Digi24

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Digi24 și Deutsche Welle organizează o serie de seminarii și workshopuri, la București, pe 7-8 decembrie 2019, în cadrul proiectului Future Media Workshops. Este a doua ediție a cursurilor Future Media, iar temele abordate vor include seminariile: “Dezinformarea și Fake News” și “Promovarea și distribuirea pe rețelele de socializare a conținutului produs pentru TV și online”. Seminariile, organizate alături de specialiștii de la Deutsche Welle, se vor desfășura la sediul Digi24, conform programului de mai jos. Participarea este gratuită, însă este condiționată de experiență de minim un an în domeniul jurnalistic (studii jurnalism, presă scrisă, radio, online, televiziune).

Dezinformarea (sau, mai simplu: “fake news”) nu este un fenomen nou; istoria a văzut multe exemple de oameni care folosesc informația pentru un câștig personal. Dar niciodată nu a fost mai ușor sa o faca, datorită progreselor tehnice, metodelor de comunicare cât și metodelor de editare. În calitate de jurnaliști și experți media, este de datoria noastră să furnizăm informații fiabile publicului nostru. Trebuie să rămânem permanent o sursă de încredere verificând tot ceea ce raportăm. Trebuie să ne punem întrebări de genul: imaginea virală a fost cu adevărat din demonstrația respectiva? Cum pot verifica unde a fost înregistrat un presupus scandal-video? Atelierul se încheie cu o imagine de ansamblu asupra modului în care puteți raporta cel mai bine și corecta dezinformarea.

Promovarea și distribuirea pe rețelele de socializare a conținutului produs pentru TV și online - acest atelier se va concentra pe gândirea și conceptele necesare pentru a distribui și promova conținut media pe platformele de social media în trend, precum Facebook și Instagram și orice alte aspecte care vor apărea în viitor. Importanța povestirii digitale contextuale, precum și semnificația creării unei mărci și a unei comunități pe Social Media vor fi evidențiate prin studii de caz și exemple vii. Prezentarea celor mai importante actualizări și tendințe de social media, cum ar fi Facebook și Tik Tok, printre altele, vor completa discuția.

Cei interesați se pot înscrie prin email la training@digi24.ro până pe 5 decembrie 2019.

Program Seminarii

Saturday, December 7

First Session

09:45 – 10:00 - Registration

10:00 – 13:00 (studio 5)

Seminar Title: Data Journalism: Verification of videos and photographs as sources of information/ Fake News;

1,2,3 - verify this! Fighting dis-/misinformation together, learning it the playful way

Trainer: Tilman Wagner

Description: Dis - and misinformation (often falsely simply referred to as "Fake News") is not a new phenomenon; history has seen many examples of people spinning information for (personal) gain. But it has never been easier to do than today thanks to technical advances in both communication and editing methods. As journalists and media experts, it is our job to deliver reliable information to our audience. We need to stay trustworthy by verifying everything we report about. In the flood of information that is being shared across the globe online every day that isn't always easy.
Was the viral image really from the "Save Paradise Forest" demonstration in Bucharest? How do I verify where an alleged scandal-video was recorded? After a short introduction to the topic, it is up to you to answer these questions, solving some practical verification-quizzes. Work your way to the solution, challenge the other teams in the room - and learn about the best tools and tricks for digital verification in a playful way.
The workshop ends with an overview of examples of how you can best report about and correct dis- and misinformation from different initiatives.

10:00 – 13:00 (news room)

Seminar Title:  Social Media: Distribution and promotion of journalistic content on Facebook and Instagram.

Promotion and distribution on social media of content produced for TV and online as well as radio information and entertainment platforms;

Trainer: Aikaterini Pegka

Description: This Workshop will be focusing on mindset and concepts, which are necessary in order to successfully distribute and promote content on the trending Social Media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram and any other that will arise in the future. The importance of digital contextual storytelling as well as the significance of establishing a brand and community on Social Media will be highlighted by case studies and vivid examples. The presentation of the most important Social Media updates and trends, like the Facebook News Tab and Tik Tok, amongst others, will round up the discussion and give inspiration for practice.

13:00-14.00 - Break

Second Session:

14:00 – 17.00 (studio 5)

Seminar Title: Data Journalism: Verification of videos and photographs as sources of information/ Fake News;1,2,3 - verify this! Fighting dis-/misinformation together, learning it the playful way

Trainer: Tilman Wagner

Description: Dis - and misinformation (often falsely simply referred to as "Fake News") is not a new phenomenon; history has seen many examples of people spinning information for (personal) gain. But it has never been easier to do than today thanks to technical advances in both communication and editing methods. As journalists and media experts, it is our job to deliver reliable information to our audience. We need to stay trustworthy by verifying everything we report about. In the flood of information that is being shared across the globe online every day that isn't always easy.

Was the viral image really from the "Save Paradise Forest" demonstration in Bucharest? How do I verify where an alleged scandal-video was recorded? After a short introduction to the topic, it is up to you to answer these questions, solving some practical verification-quizzes. Work your way to the solution, challenge the other teams in the room - and learn about the best tools and tricks for digital verification in a playful way.

The workshop ends with an overview of examples of how you can best report about and correct dis- and misinformation from different initiatives.

14:00 – 17:00 (news room)

Seminar Title:  Social Media: Distribution and promotion of journalistic content on Facebook and Instagram.

Promotion and distribution on social media of content produced for TV and online as well as radio information and entertainment platforms;

Trainer: Aikaterini Pegka

Description: This Workshop will be focusing on mindset and concepts, which are necessary in order to successfully distribute and promote content on the trending Social Media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram and any other that will arise in the future. The importance of digital contextual storytelling as well as the significance of establishing a brand and community on Social Media will be highlighted by case studies and vivid examples. The presentation of the most important Social Media updates and trends, like the Facebook News Tab and Tik Tok, amongst others, will round up the discussion and give inspiration for practice.

Sunday, December 8

09:45 – 10:00 - Registration

First Session

10:00 – 13:00 (news room)

Seminar Title: Data Journalism: Verification of videos and photographs as sources of information/ Fake News;

1,2,3 - verify this! Fighting dis-/misinformation together, learning it the playful way

Trainer: Tilman Wagner

Description: Dis - and misinformation (often falsely simply referred to as "Fake News") is not a new phenomenon; history has seen many examples of people spinning information for (personal) gain. But it has never been easier to do than today thanks to technical advances in both communication and editing methods. As journalists and media experts, it is our job to deliver reliable information to our audience. We need to stay trustworthy by verifying everything we report about. In the flood of information that is being shared across the globe online every day that isn't always easy.

Was the viral image really from the "Save Paradise Forest" demonstration in Bucharest? How do I verify where an alleged scandal-video was recorded? After a short introduction to the topic, it is up to you to answer these questions, solving some practical verification-quizzes. Work your way to the solution, challenge the other teams in the room - and learn about the best tools and tricks for digital verification in a playful way.

The workshop ends with an overview of examples of how you can best report about and correct dis- and misinformation from different initiatives.

10:00 – 13:00 (studio 5)

Seminar Title:  Social Media: Distribution and promotion of journalistic content on Facebook and Instagram.

Promotion and distribution on social media of content produced for TV and online as well as radio information and entertainment platforms;

Trainer: Aikaterini Pegka

Description: This Workshop will be focusing on mindset and concepts, which are necessary in order to successfully distribute and promote content on the trending Social Media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram and any other that will arise in the future. The importance of digital contextual storytelling as well as the significance of establishing a brand and community on Social Media will be highlighted by case studies and vivid examples. The presentation of the most important Social Media updates and trends, like the Facebook News Tab and Tik Tok, amongst others, will round up the discussion and give inspiration for practice.

13:00-14.00 - Break

Second Session:

14:00 – 17.00 (news room)

Seminar Title: Data Journalism: Verification of videos and photographs as sources of information/ Fake News;

1,2,3 - verify this! Fighting dis-/misinformation together, learning it the playful way

Trainer: Tilman Wagner

Description: Dis - and misinformation (often falsely simply referred to as "Fake News") is not a new phenomenon; history has seen many examples of people spinning information for (personal) gain. But it has never been easier to do than today thanks to technical advances in both communication and editing methods. As journalists and media experts, it is our job to deliver reliable information to our audience. We need to stay trustworthy by verifying everything we report about. In the flood of information that is being shared across the globe online every day that isn't always easy.

Was the viral image really from the "Save Paradise Forest" demonstration in Bucharest? How do I verify where an alleged scandal-video was recorded? After a short introduction to the topic, it is up to you to answer these questions, solving some practical verification-quizzes. Work your way to the solution, challenge the other teams in the room - and learn about the best tools and tricks for digital verification in a playful way.

The workshop ends with an overview of examples of how you can best report about and correct dis- and misinformation from different initiatives.

14:00 – 17:00 (studio 5)

Seminar Title:  Social Media: Distribution and promotion of journalistic content on Facebook and Instagram.

Promotion and distribution on social media of content produced for TV and online as well as radio information and entertainment platforms;

Trainer: Aikaterini Pegka

Description: This Workshop will be focusing on mindset and concepts, which are necessary in order to successfully distribute and promote content on the trending Social Media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram and any other that will arise in the future. The importance of digital contextual storytelling as well as the significance of establishing a brand and community on Social Media will be highlighted by case studies and vivid examples. The presentation of the most important Social Media updates and trends, like the Facebook News Tab and Tik Tok, amongst others, will round up the discussion and give inspiration for practice.

Cei interesati se pot înscrie prin email la training@digi24.ro pana pe 4 decembrie 2019.

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