
Romania hits new records in the COVID-19 crisis

Data actualizării: Data publicării:
Until now, Romania reported a total number of 1.486.264 infected cases with coronavirus and 42.616 deaths. Foto: INQUAM Photos/Liviu Chirica

Romania registered the highest number of new COVID-19 cases, deaths and hospitalized persons who are in a severe state at intensive care, from the beginning of the pandemic.

In the last 24 hours there were 18.863 new COVID-19 cases. The Romanian authorities reported a death toll of 574, out of which 561 in one single day. At intensive care there are 1.805 patients in a serious condition.

From a total of 574 death patients, 528 were unvaccinated and 46 vaccinated. The 46 vaccinated patients that died were aged between 40 and 80 years old. 43 of the vaccinated patients that died presented comorbidities.

In the Romanian hospitals there are 19.730 patients hospitalized.

Until now, Romania reported a total number of 1.486.264 infected cases with coronavirus and 42.616 deaths.

These days, a delegation from The World Health Organization is currently in Romania to accelerate the anti-COVID vaccination campaign and to manage the current health crisis.

Editor : Ștefania Vîlcu

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