
Prime minister-designate Nicolae Ciucă gives up mandate to form government, the political logjam continues

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Prime minister-designate Nicolae Ciucă. Foto: INQUAM Photos/Octav Ganea

The appointed prime minister, Nicolae Ciucă, has abruptly relinquished his mandate to form a government on Tuesday, after it became clear he could not gain enough support in parliament. President Klaus Iohannis needs to call all parties for consultations once again, to propose a new prime minister.

"I am convinced that all the activities taking place at the level of the political parties should be based on dialogue and the understanding of the current situation the country is facing", stated Nicolae Ciucă.

The relinquish of the mandate comes after the leadership of The National Liberal Party (PNL) decided to dismiss the option of forming a minority government. PNL seeks now for a parliamentary majority and will start further negotiations with The Social Democrats (PSD) and the right wing Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR), as well.

Most of PNL leaders showed interest in a governing formula alongside PSD, while few of them opposed the idea and requested to form a government with their former allies, The Union to Save Romania (USR), instead.

A final decision is expected on Tuesday, after a meeting of the PNL leadership.

Moreover, the Liberals will decide whether they will nominate Romania’s interim Defense Minister Nicolae Ciucă once again as prime minister-designate. Legally, this is possible as Ciucă has not been rejected by the parliament.

The Social Democrats request the prime minister position, as well as other key ministries, if they are to govern alongside with the Liberals. Furthermore, PSD is interested in securing the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies - Lower House of Romanian Parliament.

Editor : Ștefania Vîlcu

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